sudo nmap -A -T4 -v -oA scans/scan
Discovered open port 22/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 443/tcp on
Let’s checkout the website - http.
Just a jpg. how about https? - same thing
Fuzz for some directories
dirsearch -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -r
Let check em out.
/dev contains notes.txt and hype_key
Bunch of hex?
The note also mentions encoding and decoding, we found the directories /encode and /decode.
Before we jump in here, lets checkout the /omg dir
ah yes the picture
What does encode do?
Some sort of base encoding?
Does decoder do the same thing?
Yep, not sure what the point of this is. lets throw this hex we found into cyberchef
HAHA its just an ssh key? ok. We don’t know the username, but we can save the ssh key for later.
Step 3 and 4 of notes.txt seems like a clue
- Fix decoder/encoder before going live.
- Make sure encoding/decoding is only done client-side.
I see a two paths here to try
- Possible LFI in the encoder or decoder, read /etc/passwd and enum users
- Command injection in the encoder/decoder read /etc/passwd to enum users
Because this is an encoder/decoder I imagine this is part of the challenge, maybe we have to encode our payloads?
I tried a few things with no luck. Retracing my steps, I realize the name of the key was literally hype_key. is hype the user?
chmod 400 hype_key
ssh hype@ -i hype_key
Need a passphrase, lets try ssh2john to crack it?
No luck. Retracing my steps again, why would https be open? Maybe nmap can find something with vuln script?
sudo nmap --script vuln -vv
This produced a lot of output, one finding stuck out, heartbleed! The name of the box is Valentine and the picture hosted on the webserver are both huge clues that this is the intended path.
searchsploit heartbleed
We have some options. Lets examine the first one
searchsploit -m 32764
Exploit: OpenSSL 1.0.1f TLS Heartbeat Extension - 'Heartbleed' Memory Disclosure (Multiple SSL/TLS Versions)
Path: /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/multiple/remote/
Codes: CVE-2014-0346, CVE-2014-0160, OSVDB-105465
Verified: True
File Type: Python script, ASCII text executable
Copied to: /home/kali/sync/pentesting/HTB/valentine/
This verified the host is vulnerable, but how do we exploit it?
I read about heartbleed here
My understanding is that it allows you to traverse the data in memory remotely. If I keep running the exploit script, it should continue to traverse memory. Maybe we can find something interesting?
Initially, I saw my nmap scan popping up, not sure whey, maybe some logging thing?
Eventually I noticed a base64 encoded string popup.
Decoding this string we get:
This might be the ssh passphrase. Lets attempt to connect with it.
Looks like its using a legacy crypto exchange. We can bypass this by specifying one.
ssh -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=ssh-rsa -i hype_key hype@
We logged in!
Privilege Escalation
Checking for common paths, two things are interesting.
uid=1000(hype) gid=1000(hype) groups=1000(hype),24(cdrom),30(dip),46(plugdev),124(sambashare)
We are in some interesting groups, maybe these can be abused.
find / -perm /4000 2>/dev/null
Found pkexec (pwnkit) this is not the intended path but would work.
Does it have a GTFOBin?
looks like we can’t do this
Ok, lets target those groups.
smbshare group.
lets checkout the fstab to find locations of possible shares
cat /etc/fstab
Interesting. Looks like
/dev/fd0 --> /media/floppy0
We are also in the floppy group. Lets explore.
Nothing here
back to hunting for paths.
How does our history look?
Tmux is installed? If it is running as root we can use that.
ps aux | grep tmux
root 1012 0.0 0.1 26416 1676 ? Ss 05:37 0:04 /usr/bin/tmux -S /.devs/dev_sess
from the tmux manpages
“In tmux, a session is displayed on screen by a client and all sessions are managed by a single server. The server and each client are separate processes which communicate through a socket in /tmp.” In this case, tmux is using a non standard directory to run the socket.
If we have permission we can attach to the socket and run as root.
ls -la /.devs/dev_sess
Looks like group “hype” has permissions, so we should be able to attach to the session.
tmux attach -d -t valentine
tmux -S /.devs/dev_sess attach -t 0
User flag
Root flag