

sudo nmap -T4 -A -v -o nmap --min-rate 1000 $IP
sudo nmap -T4 --script=vuln -v -o vuln --min-rate 1000 $IP
sudo nmap -T4 -A -v -p- -o alltcp --min-rate 1000 $IP
sudo nmap -T4 -sU -sV -sC -v -p -o udp --min-rate 1000 $IP
sudo nmap -A -v -p- -o alltcpslow $IP

Initial access = libreoffice .odt macro

  • you can shell exec easily, base64 encoded powershell revshell
  • Make sure you edit the custom actions to execute the macro on open!

Priv esc:

apache user had SeImpersonate ! - any potato (god) or printspoofe


Check other users !!! can you pivot to them? what can they do?